An illustration is a decoration, interpretation or visual explanation of a text, concept or process, designed for integration in published media, such as posters, flyers, magazines, books, teaching materials, animations, video games and films. An illustration is typically created by an illustrator. The world’s leading illustration agency, connecting you with over 200 highly skilled illustrators and animators. With offices in London, New York, Hamburg, Paris & Sydney. The world’s leading illustration agency, connecting you with over 200 highly skilled illustrators and animators. With offices in London, New York, Hamburg, Paris & Sydney.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia,·lus·tra·tion
(ĭl′ə-strā′shən)n.1. The act of illustrating or the state of being illustrated: concepts that would benefit from illustration; an idea that lends itself to illustration.
2. A picture or image that is used to decorate or clarify a text.
3. An example that is used to clarify or explain something. See Synonyms at example.
il′lus·tra′tion·al adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(ˌɪləˈstreɪʃən) n1. pictorial matter used to explain or decorate a text
2. an example or demonstration: an illustration of his ability.
3. the act of illustrating or the state of being illustrated
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˌɪl əˈstreɪ ʃən)n.
1. something that illustrates, as a picture in a book or magazine.
2. a comparison or an example intended for explanation or corroboration.
4. the act of clarifying or explaining; elucidation.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Noun | 1. | illustration - artwork that helps make something clear or attractive legend, caption - brief description accompanying an illustration artwork, graphics, nontextual matter, art - photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication; 'the publisher was responsible for all the artwork in the book' pictorial matter, picture - illustrations used to decorate or explain a text; 'the dictionary had many pictures' fig, figure - a diagram or picture illustrating textual material; 'the area covered can be seen from Figure 2' |
2. | illustration - showing by example demo, demonstration - a visual presentation showing how something works; 'the lecture was accompanied by dramatic demonstrations'; 'the lecturer shot off a pistol as a demonstration of the startle response' | |
3. | illustration - an item of information that is typical of a class or group; 'this patient provides a typical example of the syndrome'; 'there is an example on page 10' information - knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction apology, excuse - a poor example; 'it was an apology for a meal'; 'a poor excuse for an automobile' exception - an instance that does not conform to a rule or generalization; 'all her children were brilliant; the only exception was her last child'; 'an exception tests the rule' case in point, precedent - an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time quintessence - the most typical example or representative of a type sample - a small part of something intended as representative of the whole specimen - an example regarded as typical of its class | |
4. | illustration - a visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject more pleasing or easier to understand plate - a full-page illustration (usually on slick paper) representation - a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
noun1.example, case, instance, sample, explanation, demonstration, interpretation, specimen, analogy, clarification, case in point, exemplar, elucidation, exemplificationThese figures are an illustration of the country's dynamism.
2.picture, drawing, painting, image, print, plate, figure, portrait, representation, sketch, decoration, portrayal, likeness, adornmentShe looked like a princess in a nineteenth century illustration.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
noun1. Something that serves to explain or clarify:clarification, construction, decipherment, elucidation, exegesis, explanation, explication, exposition, illumination, interpretation.
case, example, instance, representative, sample, specimen.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
sự minh họa
[ˌɪləsˈtreɪʃən]N (in book, paper) →
by way of illustration → a modo de ejemplo, a títuloilustrativo
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˌɪləˈstreɪʃən]n (= example) → illustrationf
an illustration of sth → une illustration de qch
an illustration of China's dynamism → une illustration du dynamismechinois
as an illustration of sth
I included a few examples as illustrations of the difficulty of our work → J'ai inclusquelquesexemples pour illustrer la difficulté de notre travail.
an illustration of sth → une illustration de qch
an illustration of China's dynamism → une illustration du dynamismechinois
as an illustration of sth
I included a few examples as illustrations of the difficulty of our work → J'ai inclusquelquesexemples pour illustrer la difficulté de notre travail.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
n(= picture) → Abbildungf, → Bildnt, → Illustrationf
(fig) (of problem, subject) → Erklärungf, → Erläuterungf; (of rule)(= act) → Veranschaulichungf; (= thing) → Beispielnt; by way of illustration → als Beispiel
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[ˌɪləsˈtreɪʃ/ən]n → illustrazionef; (example) → esemplificazionefby way of illustration → a titolo d'esempio
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈiləstreit) verb1. to provide (a book, lecture etc) with pictures, diagrams etc. illustreer يُزَوِّد كتابا بالصُّوَر илюстрирам ilustrar ilustrovat illustrieren illustrere εικονογραφώilustrar illustreerima مصور کردن kuvittaa illustrer לְאַייֵר व्याख्या करना ilustrirati illusztrál menggambari myndskreyta illustrare 図・絵を入れる (도해, 그림 등을) 예시하다 iliustruoti ilustrēt menggambari illustrerenillustrereilustrować څرګندول، تمثيلول، تشريح، كول، سنګارول، مصوركول ilustrar a ilustra иллюстрировать ilustrovať slikovno opremiti ilustrovati illustrera เป็นตัวอย่างของ resimlendirmek 加上插圖 ілюструвати باتصوری بنانا minh họa 加上插图
2. to make (a statement etc) clearer by providing examples etc. Let me illustrate my point; This diagram will illustrate what I mean. illustreer يُوَضِّح بالأمثِلَه пояснявам ilustrar ilustrovat erläutern illustrere; belyse επεξηγώilustrar selgitama توضیح دادن؛ روشن کردن havainnollistaa illustrer לְהַדגִים उदाहरण देकर समझाना objasniti szemléltet menjelaskan lÿsa, skÿra illustrare 実例で説明する 실례로써 명확히 하다 pailiustruoti pavyzdžiu, paaiškinti paskaidrot (ar piemēriem) menjelaskan illustrerenbelyse, illustrere zilustrować څرګندول ilustrar a ilustra иллюстрировать znázorniť ilustrirati ilustrovati illustrera, belysa, åskådliggöra แสดงตัวอย่าง örneklemek 舉例說明 пояснювати مثال سے واضح کرنا giải thích 举例说明
ˈillustrated adjective having pictures etc. an illustrated catalogue. geïllustreerd مُوَضَّح بالصُّوَر илюстриран ilustrado ilustrovaný bebildert illustreret εικονογραφημένοςilustrado illustreeritud مصور kuvitettu illustré מְאוּייַר सचित्र ilustriran képes bergambar myndskreyttur illustrato 図入りの 도해(삽화)가 들어 있는 iliustruotas ilustrēts bergambar geïllustreerdillustrertilustrowany مصور ilustrado cu ilustraţii иллюстрированный ilustrovaný ilustriran ilustrovan illustrerad มีภาพประกอบ resimli 有插圖的 ілюстрований با تصویر có minh họa 有插图的
Illustration Meaning
ˌilluˈstrationIllustration Definition
noun1. a picture. coloured illustrations. illustrasie صورَة إيضاحيَّه، رَسْم илюстрация ilustração ilustrace die Abbildung billede εικόνα, εικονογράφησηilustración pilt تصویر kuva illustrationאיור चित्र निरूपण ilustracija illusztráció gambar mynd(skreyting) illustrazione さし絵 그림, 삽화 iliustracija ilustrācija gambar afbeeldingbilde, illustrasjonilustracja څرګندونه، توضيح شرح، تصوير، عكس، شكل، مثل ilustração ilustraţie иллюстрация ilustrácia ilustracija ilustracija illustration, bild ภาพประกอบ resim 插圖 малюнок, ілюстрація تصویر bức tranh 插图
2. an example. illustrasie مِثال пример ilustração příklad das Beispiel eksempel παράδειγμαilustración, ejemplo näide مثال esimerkki exempleדוגמה उदाहरण, दृष्टान्त objašnjenje példa contoh dæmi illustrazione, spiegazione 実例 실례 pavyzdys piemērs; paskaidrojums contoh illustratieeksempelprzykład مثال ilustração exemplu пример príklad ilustracija primer [belysande] exempel การให้ตัวอย่างประกอบ örnek 例證 приклад, пояснення مثال ví dụ 例证
3. the act of illustrating. illustreer تَوضيح илюстриране ilustração ilustrování die Erläuterung illustration εικονογράφηση, επεξήγησηilustración illustreerimine توضیح kuvitus illustrationהדגמה व्याख्या ilustriranje szemléltetés, illusztrálás ilustrasi útskÿring (með myndum/dæmum) illustrazione 例証 해설 iliustravimas ilustrēšana ilustrasi het illustreren bruk av bilder/eksempel ilustrowanie توضیح ilustração ilustrare иллюстрирование ilustrovanie ilustracija ilustrovanje illustration, illustrering การแสดงตัวอย่างประกอบ resimleme 圖解 ілюстрування واضح کرنے کا عمل sự minh hoạ 图解
ˈillustrative (-strətiv) , ((American) iˈlastrətiv) adjective verduidelikend تَوْضيحي пояснителен ilustrativo názorný erläuternd illustrerende επεξηγηματικός ilustrativo selgitav توضیحی havainnollinen explicatif מַמחִיש, מַדגִים दृष्टान्त युक्त koji objašnjava magyarázó, szemléltető jelas skÿringar-; lÿsandi illustrativo 例証となる 실례가 되는 iliustruojantis, nušviečiantis ilustratīvs; paskaidrojošs ilustrasi illustratiefforklarende, illustrerende ilustrujący تصويرى، متثيلى توضيحى، مصور، خرګندوونكى تمثيلوونكى ilustrativo ilustrativ; explicativ иллюстративный názorný ilustrativen ilustrativan illustrativ ซึ่งให้ตัวอย่าง açıklayıcı 圖解的 ілюстративний; пояснювальний مثال یا توضيح کے طور پر شامل để minh họa 用作说明的
ˈillustrator noun a person who draws pictures etc for books etc. illustreerder رَسّام صور للكُتُب илюстратор ilustrador ilustrátor, -ka der/die Illustrator(in) illustrator; tegner εικονογράφοςilustrador illustreerija نشان دهنده kuvittaja illustrateur/-trice מְאַייֵר, מְאַייֶרֶת चित्रक, चित्रकार ilustrator rajzoló ilustrator teiknari illustratore, illustratrice イラストレーター 삽화가 iliustratorius ilustrators; ilustrētājs pengilustrasi illustratortegner, illustratørilustrator تصوير وونكى، رسام، انځور ګر، څرګندوونكى ilustrador иллюстратор ilustrátor, -ka ilustrator ilustrator illustratör ผู้วาดภาพประกอบ resimleyici 插圖畫家 ілюстратор نقّاش người vẽ tranh minh hoạ 插图画家
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ إِيضَاحٌ ilustrace illustrationIllustrationεικονογράφησηilustración kuvitusillustration ilustracijaillustrazione 挿絵 삽화illustratieillustrasjonilustracjailustraçãoиллюстрация illustrering ภาพประกอบresimleme sự minh họa例证Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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