Problem gambling in New Zealand We work closely with the gambling sector and problem gambling treatment providers to prevent and minimise harm. Information for casino operators Casino licensing, employee certificates of approval, game rules, and minimum operating and equipment standards for casinos. Problem Gambling Foundation. PGF creates resources to help create awareness of gambling harm in New Zealand.
There are a number of apps that aim to support people with addiction problems including gambling harm. However, few apps for gambling harm have had professional input during development or have undergone formal evaluation. There are also a number of apps that may do more harm than good.
Apps for problem gambling have the potential to provide users with helpful features such as skills to handle urges to gamble, enhance motivation, promote social support and tools to monitor progress. On this page you fill find information on:

Apps and tools that may be helpful
The following are examples of apps and tools that have the potential to help people with experiencing gambling harm. Note: It's important that these apps and tools are used together with other therapies such as seeking professional help.
App name | Description | |
Gambling Therapy app |
| |
Cost2Play calculator | This app and online tool can help people understand the long-term costs involved in popular casino games such as slots, blackjack and roulette. It calculates all losses to highlight that even small individual losses can add up. This app can aid with motivation, but it is not a solution. |
Online gambling blockers
Online gambling blockers are software tools to help you limit your online gambling by blocking access to gambling websites. In the following videos the Salvation Army Oasis services have reviewed a few online gambling blockers, including information of how to access the software and a summary of the pros and cons of each. Read more about online gambling blockers.
BetBlocker | Lotto NZ | BetFilter | Gamban | GamBlock |
Watch the video here: BetBlocker | Watch the video here: Lotto NZ | Watch the video here: BetFilter | Watch the video here: Gamban | Watch the video here: GamBlock |
Gambling harm apps that are not recommended
The following are examples of gambling harm apps that are not recommended. These summaries give insight into the sorts of things that make some gambling harm apps unfavourable.

The aim of this app is to provide fast filtering of online gaming websites on Android devices by becoming the default browser on the device. It aims to prevent users from accessing online gaming websites by blocking these sites (similar to antiviral software).
Comment (Dr Carlos Lam Yang, GP, East Health Trust)
I would not recommend this app to anyone as it appears to be focused on making money for the developer for what is essentially a browser with some extra codes to block gambling-related websites. Also, if you are seriously addicted, you would not install this app in the first place. Even if you did, you could easily uninstall it again. Also, it does not prevent you from accessing gambling websites on another device or computer. I would advise people not to waste their money on this app.
Safety concerns
- Unsure if BetQuit browser also transfers all your settings, passwords and credit card data from your existing browser into its memory bank and provides secure-enough high-level encryption to ensure that it does not get tampered with or hacked.
- Unsure where this app was developed – no mention of developers’ names or country of origin.
- Cost: $8.99/month on Android, $5/month on iOS. Does not allow free trial with reduced features or time-limited free trial. Multiple spelling mistakes on website. Need to register using Facebook, email or creating an account – does not allow option of being anonymous if you just want to try it out.
Addiction Avert
This app aims to be a self-help tool for clients with gambling addiction.
Comment (Alice Wang, Project Coordinator, Asian Family Services)
People with addiction are a very particular population who need lots of motivation to control their behaviour and strengthen their confidence to change. This app doesn’t look like it has enough of this kind of function. The function is not very practical as it is no different from a notebook. I can only see the function of this app as being like a memo. The layout of the app is not presentable.
The importance of robust evidence: SPGeTTI app
The New Zealand Ministry of Health invested in research into a smart phone app, called SPGeTTI, to support people with a gambling problem, in particular for those using electronic gambling machines (pokies). The app intended to use geo-positioning technology to deliver a behavioural support programme to deliver timely messages at moments of high risk, eg, when the person was close to a gambling venue in Auckland.1
However, during the course of the study, problems arose with poor uptake of the app, technology limitations with regard to geo-positioning and issues such as shame and privacy with regard to others seeing the app on their phone. Despite this, participants indicated ongoing interest in smart phones apps as a tool for supporting people experiencing harm from gambling.
The results of the research have been used to inform the Ministry's thinking about the policy and use of such technology to promote gambling harm minimisation, and to inform decision making about similar research investments in the future.
This case study shows how important it is that apps for gambling harm get professional input during development or undergo formal evaluation. Read more
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Learn more

- Humphrey G, Newcombe D, Whittaker R, Parag V, Bullen C. SPGeTTI – a smartphone-based problem gambling evaluation and technology testing initiative final report National Institute for Health Innovation, The University of Auckland, 2019.
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Disclaimer: Health Navigator’s app library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly.
There are a number of apps that aim to support people with addiction problems including gambling harm. However, few apps for gambling harm have had professional input during development or have undergone formal evaluation. There are also a number of apps that may do more harm than good.
Apps for problem gambling have the potential to provide users with helpful features such as skills to handle urges to gamble, enhance motivation, promote social support and tools to monitor progress. On this page you fill find information on:
Apps and tools that may be helpful
The following are examples of apps and tools that have the potential to help people with experiencing gambling harm. Note: It's important that these apps and tools are used together with other therapies such as seeking professional help.
App name | Description | |
Gambling Therapy app |
| |
Cost2Play calculator | This app and online tool can help people understand the long-term costs involved in popular casino games such as slots, blackjack and roulette. It calculates all losses to highlight that even small individual losses can add up. This app can aid with motivation, but it is not a solution. |
Online gambling blockers
Online gambling blockers are software tools to help you limit your online gambling by blocking access to gambling websites. In the following videos the Salvation Army Oasis services have reviewed a few online gambling blockers, including information of how to access the software and a summary of the pros and cons of each. Read more about online gambling blockers.
BetBlocker | Lotto NZ | BetFilter | Gamban | GamBlock |
Watch the video here: BetBlocker | Watch the video here: Lotto NZ | Watch the video here: BetFilter | Watch the video here: Gamban | Watch the video here: GamBlock |
Gambling harm apps that are not recommended
The following are examples of gambling harm apps that are not recommended. These summaries give insight into the sorts of things that make some gambling harm apps unfavourable.
The aim of this app is to provide fast filtering of online gaming websites on Android devices by becoming the default browser on the device. It aims to prevent users from accessing online gaming websites by blocking these sites (similar to antiviral software).
Comment (Dr Carlos Lam Yang, GP, East Health Trust)
I would not recommend this app to anyone as it appears to be focused on making money for the developer for what is essentially a browser with some extra codes to block gambling-related websites. Also, if you are seriously addicted, you would not install this app in the first place. Even if you did, you could easily uninstall it again. Also, it does not prevent you from accessing gambling websites on another device or computer. I would advise people not to waste their money on this app.
Safety concerns
- Unsure if BetQuit browser also transfers all your settings, passwords and credit card data from your existing browser into its memory bank and provides secure-enough high-level encryption to ensure that it does not get tampered with or hacked.
- Unsure where this app was developed – no mention of developers’ names or country of origin.
- Cost: $8.99/month on Android, $5/month on iOS. Does not allow free trial with reduced features or time-limited free trial. Multiple spelling mistakes on website. Need to register using Facebook, email or creating an account – does not allow option of being anonymous if you just want to try it out.
Addiction Avert
This app aims to be a self-help tool for clients with gambling addiction.
Comment (Alice Wang, Project Coordinator, Asian Family Services)
People with addiction are a very particular population who need lots of motivation to control their behaviour and strengthen their confidence to change. This app doesn’t look like it has enough of this kind of function. The function is not very practical as it is no different from a notebook. I can only see the function of this app as being like a memo. The layout of the app is not presentable.
The importance of robust evidence: SPGeTTI app
The New Zealand Ministry of Health invested in research into a smart phone app, called SPGeTTI, to support people with a gambling problem, in particular for those using electronic gambling machines (pokies). The app intended to use geo-positioning technology to deliver a behavioural support programme to deliver timely messages at moments of high risk, eg, when the person was close to a gambling venue in Auckland.1
However, during the course of the study, problems arose with poor uptake of the app, technology limitations with regard to geo-positioning and issues such as shame and privacy with regard to others seeing the app on their phone. Despite this, participants indicated ongoing interest in smart phones apps as a tool for supporting people experiencing harm from gambling.
The results of the research have been used to inform the Ministry's thinking about the policy and use of such technology to promote gambling harm minimisation, and to inform decision making about similar research investments in the future.
This case study shows how important it is that apps for gambling harm get professional input during development or undergo formal evaluation. Read more
Learn more
- Humphrey G, Newcombe D, Whittaker R, Parag V, Bullen C. SPGeTTI – a smartphone-based problem gambling evaluation and technology testing initiative final report National Institute for Health Innovation, The University of Auckland, 2019.
Disclaimer: Health Navigator’s app library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly.