It is designed for individuals who are trying to become certified as gambling counselors. This review covers the content areas of the International Certification Examination for Gambling Counselors using multiple choice questions and other interactive content material. This home study course also delivers daily email material to subscribers. CryptoSlate recently had the opportunity to chat with Paul Claudius, the Chief Operating Officer of DIA.Paul is a serial entrepreneur and financial markets expert. Before co-founding DIA, he was Director Europe of the nu3 group, transforming the multi-million e-commerce business into a vertically integrated brand.
Countdown BEYOND 218!
218 – Number of Cosponsors Needed to Secure Enough Votes to Pass DIA in the House
232 – Total Number of Cosponsors
2 – Number of Members Who have Confirmed Becoming Cosponsors
234 – Number of Current and Confirmed Cosponsors
+16 – Number of Cosponsors that Exceeds the Number for a Majority of the House
Committee Summary
With the cosponsorship of Representative Greg Gianforte (R-MT) there is now a majority of DIA cosponsors on EVERY subcommittee and committee that has jurisdiction over the bill.
Energy and Commerce Health Subcommitee – With Representative Gianforte, 16 of 31 members are DIA cosponsors.
Energy and Commerce Committee – With Representative Gianforte, 29 of 55 members are DIA cosponsors.
Judiciary Committee – With Representative Correa, 25 of 41 members are DIA cosponsors.
Dia Gambling Dashboard Signs

Rules Committee – Of the 13 members of the committee, 9 are DIA cosponsors.
Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! – A majority of E&C Health subcommittee members have co-sponsored DIA!
Congressman Greg Gianforte (MT) – a Republican member of the subcommittee has committed to cosponsoring the Disability Integration Act, becoming the 16th member of the 30-member subcommittee to cosponsor the bill. Subcommittee chair, Anna Eshoo (CA-18) has agreed to vote for the bill.
Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee Democrats NOT Currently Cosponsoring DIA:
- Rep. G. K. Butterfield (NC-1)
- Rep. Kurt Schrader (OR-5)
Energy and Commerce Committee
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! – A majority of E&C Health subcommittee members have co-sponsored DIA!
Congressman Greg Gianforte (MT) – a Republican member of the subcommittee has committed to cosponsoring the Disability Integration Act, becoming the 16th member of the 30-member subcommittee to cosponsor the bill. Subcommittee chair, Anna Eshoo (CA-18) has agreed to vote for the bill.

Energy and Commerce Committee Democrats NOT Currently Cosponsoring DIA:
- Rep. G. K. Butterfield (NC-1) +
- Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-18)~ (Confirmed Yes Vote For DIA In Email On 5/15/19)
- Rep. Frank Pallone (NJ-6) (Agreed to cosponsor during his campaign but says he is not cosponsoring because he is chair of the E&C.)
- Rep. Kurt Schrader (OR-5) +
+ Members of the Health Subcommittee
Judiciary Committee
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! – A majority of Committee members have co-sponsored DIA!
Dia Gambling Dashboards
Judiciary Committee Democrats NOT Currently Cosponsoring DIA:
- Rep. Jose Correa (CA-46)* (Confirmed Cosponsorship on 5/20/19)
- Rep. Valdez Demings (FL-10)
* Members who have committed to cosponsoring DIA, but not yet listed
House Democrats
House Democrats NOT Currently Cosponsoring DIA:
- Rep. Donald Beyer (VA-8)~ (Confirmed Yes Vote on 5/20/19)
- Rep. G. K. Butterfield (NC-1) +
- Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-8)
- Rep. James Cooper (TN-5)
- Rep. Jose Correa (CA-46)* ++ (Confirmed Cosponsorship in person on 5/20/19)
- Rep. Terrance Cox (CA-21)* (Confirmed Cosponsorship on 5/20/19)
- Rep. Joe Cunningham (SC-1)
- Rep. Valdez Demings (FL-10) ++
- Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-18) +~ (Confirmed Yes Vote For DIA In Email On 5/15/19)
- Rep. Jared Golden (ME-2)
- Rep. Jahana Hayes (CT-5)
- Rep. Dennis Heck (WA-10)
- Rep. Kendra Horn (OK-5)
- Rep. Steven Horsford (NV-4)
- Rep. Steny Hoyer (MD-5)
- Rep. Ben Mcadams (UT-4)
- Rep. Frank Pallone (NJ-6) +
- Rep. Nancy Pelosi (CA-12)
- Rep. Michael San Nicolas (GU-0)
- Rep. Kurt Schrader (OR-5) +
- Rep. Robert Scott (VA-3)
- Rep. Xochitl Torres Small (NM-2)
* Members who have committed to cosponsoring DIA, but not yet listed
+ Members of Energy and Commerce Committee
++ Members of Judiciary Committee
Dia Gambling Dashboard Stickers
~ Committed to vote for DIA in committee and on floor.