75 Quilting Patterns: The Best of Helen's Hints
Member Price $17.56
Members Save$4.39
Regular Price $21.95
2021 Quilt Art Engagement Calendar
3 Review(s)Member Price $5.00
Members Save$1.25
Regular Price$15.95 $6.25
American Quilter – January 2021
Member Price $5.59
Members Save$1.40
Regular Price $6.99
We're off to King of the Hammers 2021. In Johnson Valley, California! Unfortunately, this means we won't be able to ship any orders. The website will be open and operational, but shipping will not. Georgetown, Texas, United States 21 contributions 7 helpful votes Good way to get the most out of a visit to Amsterdam Good value for the money since it included the Van Gogh and Rijks museums and lots of other first class museums and attractions like the canal cruise. Seven Slot Society of SWLA, Lake Charles, Louisiana.

ePattern Ombré Royal Star
Member Price $7.16
Members Save$1.79
Regular Price $8.95
Secondary Designs with Judi Madsen
2 Review(s)Member Price $6.40
Members Save$1.60
Regular Price$24.95 $8.00
108' Tan Vine Backing Fabric
Member Price $12.76/yd
Members Save$3.19/yd
Regular Price $15.95/yd
eBook Lisa Calle's Divide and Design
Member Price $15.16
Members Save$3.79
Regular Price $18.95
eBook App 2 Appliqué!
Member Price $15.16
Members Save$3.79
Regular Price $18.95
eBook Sewanee Mountain Quilt Mysteries: Murder with a Twist
1 Review(s)Member Price $9.56
Members Save$2.39
Regular Price $11.95
eBook Half-Scrap Quilts: Take and Make Them Yours
Member Price $15.16
Members Save$3.79
Regular Price $18.95
eBook Vintage Quilt Treasures: 1930s Revisited
Member Price $11.96
Members Save$2.99
Regular Price $14.95
Membership Renewals
Members can renew for 2021 here.
Scaleforum 2020
Scaleforum 2020 is an online exhibition, in the form of a dedicated website. Available to browse any time.
The Scalefour Society
The Scalefour Society caters for the needs of railway modellersworking to the scale of 4mm/ft (1:76.2), the most popular of theBritish model railway scales. It promotes and encourages the use ofeffective modelling techniques and fine scale standards among all 4mmrailway modellers with a particular emphasis on the use of scalewheels and track.
This web site contains a great deal of information for allmodellers and is a showcase for the Society. It also contains ourForum, where you can read about many aspects of finescalemodelling.
Society Members have the benefits of exclusive access to furtherresources within the site. Membership gives you the Scalefour Digests;a full library of back copies of Scalefour News that can bedownloaded; additional technical reference material and much more.
From Our Portfolio

7 Slot Society Apparel Catalogs
Stores and Publications
7 Slot Society Apparel
In addition to the members-only stores, we make available a range of general interest items and publications from our online e-shop. The e-shop is open to anyone, member or non-member alike.